Flytrap Frolic – June 7, 2025

15th Annual Flytrap Frolic
Saturday, June 7th
10am – 3pm
Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden
3800 Canterbury Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403
Our 15th annual free community environmental education event features native carnivorous plants that thrive in southeastern NC. Participants will learn about several types of carnivorous plants, why they grow here, and how they trap their prey.
- Garden Guides: will help you find carnivorous plants in the Rehder Garden and answer questions
- Activities: Carnivorous plant themed games, arts and crafts, and face painters!
- Educational tables: with partners from Halyburton Park, Carolina Beach State Park and The Nature Conservancy
- Back by popular demand: Ethically-sourced flytraps for sale to benefit the Coastal Land Trust. (First come first served, supplies will be limited)
Volunteers and sponsors needed – details coming soon!
Thank You 2024 Sponsors!
Julie Rehder and G. Stanley Rehder Jr.
True North Foundation
Lee and Beth Williams
Chuck and Susie Wakild
Orton Longleaf
Murchison, Taylor, & Gibson, PLLC
Steve and Jan Capps
Chip and Peggy Mahan
Tom and Carolyn Leonard
Old River Farms
Will and Michelle Leonard
Nick and Kendall Parker
Doug and Liling Warren