Protect Your Land

If you are interested in protecting your land with a conservation agreement, this preliminary information will help you get started.
All landowners are strongly encouraged to seek tax advice from an independent accountant and legal advice from an independent, experienced estate planning attorney when considering a conservation agreement or donating all or a portion of their land. All decisions regarding donating or placing a conservation agreement on land for the protection of property for the benefit of future generations should be made only after consultation with experienced, qualified attorneys and accountants.
Conservation easements are voluntary legal agreements between landowners and the easement holder (e.g. land trusts) designed to limit the development and uses of an area to protect the conservation values of that land such as recreation, scenic beauty, wildlife habitat or water quality. The easement planning process establishes allowances and restrictions that are beneficial to the landowner, the easement holder, and the environment. Conservation easements are perpetual and remain in place with each change in land ownership.
The Coastal Land Trust is qualified to accept and hold conservation agreements.
Visit this link for more information on conservation easements.
Some landowners choose to donate a conservation agreement rather than a full donation. When a conservation agreement is made, the landowner retains ownership of property, but gives up some ownership rights, such as the ability to develop. These lands may still be sold, or passed on by will, while retaining the conservation agreement in perpetuity.
Further, a landowner may choose to donate property by will. If interested in this option, a donor should ensure that the Coastal Land Trust is willing and able to accept the gift. This kind of donation will reduce estate taxes, but will not reduce income or property taxes.
Donations of property and donations of conservation agreements that meet federal and state tax code requirements may qualify as tax-deductible charitable donations. To make a conservation agreement donation all owners of a property must agree to donate.
- Preservation of land for public outdoor recreation or education;
- Protection of relatively natural habitats for fish, wildlife, plants;
- Preservation of open space, including farm and forest land, according to clearly delineated government conservation policy;
- Preservation of historically important lands and buildings, including those listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
A donor of a qualified conservation agreement may claim its value, determined by a qualified appraisal, as a deduction for income, gift and estate tax purposes. Landowners should consult with their tax advisors for guidance on this issue.
Landowners interested in conservation can apply directly to state and federal sources for funds to help implement conservation measures on their lands. Local Soil & Water Conservation District offices can provide more information. Please see The North Carolina Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts website for more information and a list of Soil and Water Conservation Districts with phone numbers at
Give us a call to discuss the options available to protect YOUR land:
Contact Kenneth Lingerfelt, Director of Land Protection, at (910) 726-3065 or email him here.