Looking Ahead to a New Coastal Land Trust
The “Top 40” Conservation Projects at the Coast
By Camilla M. Herlevich

Looking back over the last 25 years, there’s much to celebrate—hundreds of miles of waterfront protected, tens of thousands acres of forest saved, a dozen new nature parks and gardens opened, and thousands of people welcomed to the land!

At the same time, there is an urgent need for the Coastal Land Trust to dramatically “scale up” its efforts. North Carolina’s population growth continues to outpace the national rate making it the 9th most populous state in the nation according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And we know that our beautiful coast attracts both tourists and new residents. As new roads are being constructed and development pressure heats up, the Coastal Land Trust wants to help ensure that the unique beauty of our coast endures by conserving the most special places now.

Three years ago, the Coastal Land Trust identified the Top 40 of the coast’s most significant conservation lands still in pristine condition—the best of our remaining coastal forests, wildlife corridors, beaches, waterways, and other extraordinary natural areas. Our biologists came up with an exciting priority list of fabulous conservation properties.

Inspired by this compelling list, the Coastal Land Trust’s Board set an audacious goal:
Save 75% of the Top 40 conservation projects on the North Carolina coast by 2025.

To reach this goal will require broadening of our reach, and bringing new resources on board. Because “business as usual” at the Coastal Land Trust just isn’t going to be enough to save the Top 40!

Here’s why:
1. The top 40 projects are larger in size, and will cost us more to protect.
Instead of $3M annually for land purchases, we’ll need $6-$8M annually.

2. Already, 3 of the Top 40 projects have been sold, listed for sale or permitted for development. Even landowners who might consider a conservation purchase are no longer willing to wait out the 1-2 year process for state and federal grants to be awarded.  We need access to $3M+ in capital to act quickly in the real estate marketplace.

3. State grants for land conservation have  decreased, and the state conservation tax credit has been repealed.
More than ever before, private dollars are needed to “close the deal” for the Top 40.

Are the projects on the Top 40 worth such ambitious efforts?? You bet they are!! Our health and vitality, as individuals and as communities, depend upon a healthy, vibrant coast—clean waters, verdant forests, natural shorelines, unobstructed wildlife corridors, and local nature preserves. And you ask, why now? Why not! Why wait! Stay tuned! The best is yet to come.