Exciting journeys sometimes lead to unexpected destinations! When the need arose to have an interim leader at the Coastal Land Trust in September 2022, I was happy to step in thinking of it as a little adventure, a brief interlude in a happy and enjoyable life of retirement. In fact, it was my wife Suzie who encouraged me to raise my hand for that temporary role. What happened over the next five months, was a rediscovery of the satisfaction and pleasure that comes from accomplishing important goals and working with a great group of people including the Coastal Land Trust staff you, our donors, landowners, and other supporters.

I am blessed to have a partner who recognized how much fun and enjoyment I was having. With her encouragement, I approached the Coastal Land Trust Board explaining my change of heart and I am so gratified by the Board’s decision to offer me the position of Executive Director.

Last year ended with several exciting additions to the lands we have conserved and several additional projects are in the works. Our Environmental Educational outreach program expanded significantly this year, and the final phase of the Reaves Chapel restoration is underway. None of which would be possible without your support.

There are few things in life one can do to make a permanent difference in the world, and conserving land is one of them. Your gifts and contribution help make land conservation possible throughout the coastal plain Thank you for your support, and please spread the word about the importance of the work we do.